2023 Annual Meeting
Wednesday, February 22, 2023 - 7:00 pm
WLCT 2023 Public Meeting • Slides & Recording
Watch the 2023 Annual Public Meeting
WLCT 2023 Members Meeting starts at 6:00 pm.
This meeting is for the WLCT to conduct its annual business and for WLCT members to vote in Trustees. Any and all WLCT members are welcome to join and participate.
WLCT 2023 Public Meeting
starts at 7:00 pm.
This meeting is for members and the public to learn all about their land trust, get a recap of 2022, a vision for 2023, and hear the keynote speaker. Any and all WLCT members are welcome to join and participate.
WLCT 2023 Public Meeting • Feb, 22, 2023 @ 7pm
WLCT 2023 Public Meeting
You are cordially invited to the 58th Annual Meeting of the WLCT, where we will hear from our President, Treasurer, Committees, and Executive Director. The Public meeting will be held remotely, via zoom, on Wednesday, February 22nd, at 7:00 pm.
The highlight of the evening is our guest speaker, Geordie Elkins, Executive Director of Highstead. His talk will illuminate the importance of creating native habitats, preserving biodiversity with the Ecotype Project, large and small-scale habitat protection and restoration, and much more!
About The keynote Speaker:
As Executive Director, Geordie oversees the day-to-day activities of Highstead's conservation, land stewardship, and ecological research programs. Additionally, he collaborates with staff on a broad array of projects spanning from land stewardship and research to communications and participates in the Hudson to Housatonic Regional Conservation Partnership, the Ecotype Project, the Pollinator Pathway, and other organizations across the region.
After graduating from Temple University, Geordie worked at Highstead as a Horticulturist between 1996 and 2001, where he helped plant many of the plants that make up today’s landscape. In 2012 he returned to Highstead to oversee operations, and in the fall of 2019, he joined the Highstead Board.
Growing up in New Hampshire instilled a deep love for the mountains, lakes, and woodlands that make New England unique. Ensuring that natural lands and resources are protected and persist into the future motivates his work here at Highstead. Download his slides here.