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Stewardship Sundays

Spring 2021

Wilton Land Conservation Trust

2021 — Stewardship Sunday Series

Spring 2021 — Wilton Land Conservation Trust Workdays

Sunday, April 18, 2021  

Comstock Hill Cemetery

Trail maintenance, invasive species removal, and leaf blowing

1:30 to 3:00 pm   
Sunday, May 02, 2021 

Spectacle Lane

Restore and enhance trails
1:30 to 3:00 pm
Sunday, May 16, 2021
183 Ridgefield RoadPlant flowers and remove junk tires from the wetland1:30 to 3:00 pm 
Sunday, June 06, 2021Slaughter FieldRebuild stone walls and remove invasive species 
1:30 to 3:00 pm 

2021 Spring Stewardship Sunday Series Slideshow

Sunday, April 18, 2021 

Click Here to REGISTER

Parking for Comstock Hill Cemetery:

Please park along the roadside of the northern section of Signal Hill Rd.

Please be mindful of our neighbor’s lawns and driveways. 

Parking on Ridgefield Rd. can be dangerous and is not recommended.

Look for the WLCT table to sign in.

Be Prepared:

The workday is set for drizzle or shine.

Bring what you need to be comfortable: a hat, gloves, boots, water, tick repellant. 

COVID19: Volunteers are expected to bring and wear their own masks, and to respect a 6-foot distance between one another.

Sunday, May 02, 2021

Click Here to REGISTER

Parking for the North Wilton Trail at Spectacle Lane: 

Please use the map to your right or put 40 Spectacle Ln into your GIS.

Please park along the roadside where it's safe to do so.

 Look for the WLCT table to sign in.

Be Prepared:

 The workday is set for drizzle or shine.

Bring what you need to be comfortable: a hat, gloves, boots, water, tick repellant. 

COVID19: Volunteers are expected to bring and wear their own masks, and to respect a 6-foot distance between one another.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Click Here to REGISTER

Parking for 183 Ridgefield Road: 

Please use the map to your right or put 183 Ridgefield Road into your GIS.

Once you pull into the property, someone will be there to tell you where to park. Then, Look for the WLCT table to sign in.

Be Prepared:

The workday is set for drizzle or shine.

Bring what you need to be comfortable: a hat, gloves, boots, water, tick repellant. 

COVID19: Volunteers are expected to bring and wear their own masks, and to respect a 6-foot distance between one another.

Sunday, June 06, 2021

Click Here to REGISTER

The Day:

1:00 - 2:30 repair the stone wall and remove invasive species

2:30 - 3:00 - Awards for Eli & Julia - season finale potluck 

Parking for the Slaughter Field:

The work area is located on Pipers Hill Road, just across from 193.

Please park along the road (where it's safe) or in the driveway.

 Look for the WLCT table to sign in.

Be Prepared:

 The workday is set for drizzle or shine.

Bring what you need to be comfortable: a hat, gloves, boots, water, tick repellant.